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Like Water
music, vocals, lyrics & video: Schaduwjaagster
sound: Drakenvleugels
mastered by Kevin Strauwen
with you i'm like water
sparkling shimmering waving flowing
forever drifting
always moving always learning always growing
i'm heading for the sea.
would you like to come with me
with you i'm like water
like a warm water cape you can wear
when you must face your enemies and fight
like a fluid camouflage i'll be there
blue sky white cloud silver light reflection
transparent and tender but powerful protection
with you i'm like water
like a warm water home where you can hide
i'll take you in my arms and i will heal you
just leave your clothes on the bank and get inside
i'm the gentle rain that'll wash away your pain
i'm the fairy in the spring blowing bubbles while i sing
i'm the spirit of the river who's embracing you
while you're bathing in the eternal stream
with you i'm like water
and you are the hero in my beautiful dream